Mark Roemer image of people toasting in the New Year

New Year’s Resolutions for Apartment Renters

Finally, a brand-new year is here! It is time to make the most of 2021 after a strange 2020! Make 2021 all about developing, with some easy changes, a productive, structured, and low-stress existence. I, Mark Roemer, will provide you fifteen New Year’s resolutions for renters who want to be proactive about making this new year the best year ever!

Wash Your Dishes After Eating

No use denying it is there. The moment the dirty dishes are put in the sink, it’s like they’re invisible. Perhaps we’re just telling our roommates they “need to soak.” Rather, make one of your New Year’s resolutions all about how clean you can make the kitchen. It all begins with your sink. Squeaky clean dishes often mean fewer crumbs, and that means no unwanted pests and bugs.

Outsource Your Chores

Why not outsource them to someone else if you detest chores? Sites such as TaskRabbit and Thumbtack are full of contractors who want to change your lightbulbs, refresh your landscape, or clean your wardrobe. They can also do just about any activity that you can imagine. You can also plan for your dirty laundry to be picked up and dropped off for washing. Your garments will be cleaned and folded by some contractors if you ask them. In 2021, take some of the accountability off your plate.

Schedule Your Chores

If you don’t plan them, it’s harder to finish your list of chores. Set aside an hour every week on a particular day. Use your time with vigor to tackle your apartment chores. You can turn it into a rivalry with a roommate as well. During that hour, try to see who completes the most tasks. Take a night off from cooking dinner or get a free round of drinks at the local bar for the award.

Organize Your Food

No one’s talking about organizing your food as a helpful tip for living in an apartment. It can save you time, cash, and frustration, though. Remove food from boxes and bags that are open. Organize them into sealed containers. This technique keeps all your food as fresh as possible and highly visible. Next, wipe down the interior of your cupboards and fridge. Line the pantry with paper explicitly designed for shelving. This will help keep the food area looking new and smelling fresh.

Throw Away Everything That’s Expired

The best time to clean your refrigerator and cupboards is to look for expiration dates when you go through them. For your New Year’s goals list, however, there’s much plenty to do. Every product has an expiration date. This includes medicine, makeup, and even car seats. Make sure to check everything and, if possible, toss or recycle them. Also, products that do not have an expiration date should be discarded. Pillows over three years old, which only invite dust mites to linger, are one example.

Dust Every Surface

Without a thorough dusting, you can think your home looks pretty good. It may, however, welcome issues that you can’t see. In dusty environments, dust mites flourish, as well as allergens that keep you feeling under the weather. Keep your home looking fresh and clean by merely dusting everything at least once a month. Focus on everything from the top of your cabinets and bookcases to the spaces lowest to the ground. Dust likes to hide, so make sure to look obsessively at every surface.

Vacuum Under the Furniture

Vacuum the carpet and under the furniture before you dust. Vacuuming will kick up dust, so it is counterproductive to dust them vacuum. Sometimes, under the bed is the hardest to clean. Do not try to do this alone. Enlist the help of a roommate or neighbor. Just make sure you get all those stray socks and unmentionables out of the way first!

Make Your Life Easier by Reorganize Your Space

How much do you worry that your keys, scarf, and shoes can not be found? Make it your New Year’s goal, beginning with an organized room, to create a more peaceful existence. Tuck all your bags together in one closet. For easy access, move your jackets, caps, gloves, and everyday items to the entryway section. Repeat this with every room in your apartment.

Unsubscribe from Services You Aren’t Using

Look at the list of all applications on your mobile devices. Search for services that you don’t need or that you no longer care about. Without people noticing it, magazines and subscription boxes are always a massive drain on your cashflow. It would be best if you also planned how you could save some serious cash for yourself. For an economical option, consider ditching the cable service. Downgrade your account on Spotify or Netflix.

Set Up Autopay for Your Bills

How many times this year have you worried about paying your rent, utilities, internet, and anything else without which you can’t live? Simplify your life and set your bills up for auto-pay. That’s going to be one less thing you need to think about this year. Remember to take note of the dates individual bills are due. That way, you can prevent multiple bills from hitting your account at the same time.

Declutter Like a Pro

Our levels of stress and management of clutter always go hand in hand. Make your life calmer by decluttering and recycling everything that you don’t use. Get rid of the old games and books on your desk. Keep your counters and bookcases clutter-free by donating anything extra you are not currently using.

Grab a Weekly Basket

It’s time to strategize after you’ve decluttered your home and created clean, accessible surfaces. Purchase and assign a cute basket as your weekly to-do pile. Attach a priority to any mail or bills that you have to your basket. Please take an hour a week and deal with them appropriately.

Streamline Your Furniture

When throwing an apartment party, oversized couches can feel necessary. They do little but take up space in your living room. Reclaim your room with an attitude of “less is more” and ditch large furniture for smaller choices. You can utilize furniture with different features as well. An ottoman that turns into an additional seat is one such example. Hidden storage compartments in furniture can be a Godsend in a tiny apartment.

Make Your Space More Welcoming

Treat your home as a relaxation shelter. Make it more inviting with a few touches that let natural light flood in, such as green plants and airy window treatments. For reading, you can also build a cozy place. This year, make a room just for you. In a designated corner, add an upholstered armchair, side table, and reading lamp. Make it a New Year’s resolution to relax and think more quietly.

Invest in a Splurge

Your home could begin to feel a little sparse with so much cleaning, donating, and tossing. Make a calculated splurge be one of your New Year’s resolutions. If you want a smart lighting gadget to illuminate your home or a new Amazon Echo to help you stay organized, absolutely do that for yourself this year.


After the year we have had, I, Mark Roemer, feel it is time that we all have a little self-care. Clean up your apartment. It will do wonders for your mental health. Once everything is cleaned and organized, take some time and money and do something that will help you forget about last year.